Posted on 18-08-2014
Filed Under (Uncategorized) by Oana

Nice formatted reports
EasyXLS can be used to create nice formatted Excel reports. The exported reports can be in XLSX, XLS, XLSM or XLSB file format.

export data to excel with formatting

EasyXLS Excel library can be integrated in various programming languages like C#, VB.NET, C++.NET, Java, PHP, ASP classic or C++ or more. The library can be included in any environment that supports .NET, Java or COM technology.

Predefined formats
The report can have a predefined look or a custom formatting. EasyXLS comes with 50 predefined auto formats. Also, custom color and font schemes can be set for report appearance. Themes of colors can be applied for Office 2007-2013 documents.

Data protection
The data in cells can be protected from unintended editing, if data must keep its integrity. Excel file can also be protected with password when the file is opened or modified. EasyXLS also support encrypted Excel files.

Full support
EasyXLS supports all formatting settings that Microsoft Excel offers for spreadsheet design like number and date format, text alignment, font settings, border settings, fill settings (background, pattern gradient) and cell protection.

Read more about how to format Excel cells, Excel rows or Excel columns. Code samples and more technical details can be found at this link.

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