Encoding for CSV, TXT and HTML files

EasyXLS will allow setting a custom character encoding like Unicode, ASCII, UFT-8 and UTF-32 when reading or writing CSV, TXT or HTML files.

The feature was already available for XLS, XLSX, XLSM and XLSB file formats and now was extended to text file formats.

The countries that use Greek alphabet, Cyrillic alphabet, Han script or special Latin characters will be able now to use the full functionality of our Excel library.

Format data labels for charts

EasyXLS will allow setting the data labels properties like:
- label position
- number format
- fill settings (no fill, solid fill, gradient fill, picture or texture fill, automatic)
- border color (no line, solid line, gradient line, automatic)
- border style (width, compound type, dash type, cap type, join type)
- shadow settings (presets, color, transparency)
- font settings (font name, font size, foreground, alignment)
- 3-D format settings(bevel, surface, lighting)

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